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Meet our Groomer

Madison Animal Hospital is proud to feature grooming services by

Courtney Stewart!


Courtney has been grooming for over 15 years and is certified in all AKC breed standard trims, as well as the popular teddy-bear trim.  She is safety certified and provides the most stress-free grooming experience possible.


In addition to her long list of satisfied grooming clients, she has volunteered with many rescue groups in Georgia and surrounding states, helping to save the lives of many dogs, cats, and even the occasional horse.

“I love grooming at Madison Animal Hospital because of my love for animals.  The staff and clients here are great and I am always so excited to meet their fur babies.  I couldn’t imagine a life without my pets and love meeting people who feel the same way!”

Call us at (706)795-3790​ to schedule boarding for your pet.

 Our groomer schedules services for dogs and cats on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.


If your pet needs to be sedated for their groom, those appointments are Wednesday and Thursday. 


All groom appointments are admitted at scheduled drop off times. 

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